Monday, May 23, 2011

My New Favorite -- The Esselstyn Breakfast

It's no secret that I've been on the hunt for a go-to breakfast for a while now. While I like the brown rice breakfast bowls I've been making up, I have to admit they were simply the best I'd come up with up until now.

I really, really, REALLY wanted to like oatmeal. But I just didn't like the texture and taste of it cooked. Maybe it was because I used water instead of milk (soymilk -- which I'm just not that crazy about) but to me it just seemed kind of ... gooey.

Anyway, I happened to be reading Caldwell Esselstyn's book -- Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and noticed two recipes. The first was called Evelyn's Best Meal of the Day and the second was The Esselstyn Breakfast. Evelyn's recipe includes all the ingredients I used in my version, but she cooks it. The Esselstyn Breakfast allows for more of a build-your-own-breakfast version (using various milks or juices, fruits, etc.)

This is my version of both these recipes. I'm listing the amounts I used since neither recipe didn't list amounts. And I didn't cook my oats -- and can't believe how much I enjoyed them!

Since I'm all about quick and easy, I've already made up baggies with measured portions of oats and raisins for the rest of the week. All I have to do is empty the baggie contents into a bowl, top with 1/2 of a banana or other fruit, and pour on a little apple juice. Voila! Breakfast.

The Esselstyn Breakfast -- Bumme's Version

1/2 cup uncooked rolled oats
1/2 medium banana, sliced*
1/8 cup (2 T) raisins
1/2 cup unsweetened apple juice.

Place oats and raisins in a bowl. Slice 1/2 banana and place over oats. Pour apple juice over all and let sit for a few minutes, stirring on occasion, to let juice absorb into oats and raisins.

Note: This recipe is also published in Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease but called Evelyn's Best Meal of the Day. However, the mixture is microwaved for 90 seconds and again, no measurements are provided.

*I think that other fruits such as blueberries, strawberries, or raspberries could be added in addition to or instead of the bananas.

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